Hi Everyone,
I want to calculate stock per week, country and Priority. So when i usee it in a chart with the dimension Week and the field Stock. It shows the accumulate of the stock.
Thanks for your time,
Load *,
WeekTemp1 &'|'& [CountryStart] &'|'& [PrioStart] as K_WStart_Country_Prio,
If(AutoNumberHash128(WeekTemp1,CountryStart,PrioStart)=Previous((AutoNumberHash128(Peek('WeekTemp1'), Peek('CountryStart'),Peek('PrioStart')))),
Peek([Cumulative qty])+Stocksinacumular,Stocksinacumular) as Stock2 ,
RangeSum(Stocksinacumular, Peek('Stock3'))) as Stock3
Resident CountStockTemp
order by WeekTemp1,CountryStart,PrioStart ;
drop table CountStockTemp,OrderStockTemp;