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I've read quite a number of posts in regard to writing back to the database and had it working when I hard-coded the values but when I changed to use variables, it does not work. When I try to run the code below using the variables, I get a "No update permissions!" error (exactly as the code says - just not sure what, exactly, I am doing wrong.
Desktop client only (no web deployment planned), write back to database (initially insert, but later edit & delete options as well).
The Macro is as follows (the real code has an actual server listed in the Data Source= portion, left it out here):
sub DataInsert
set conn=CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider='sqloledb';Data Source=<MyServer>;Initial Catalog='Rally';Integrated Security='SSPI';"
set rs=CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
' Database Update
sql="INSERT INTO mw_TestTable VALUES ('" & vTestChar & "', " & vTestInt & ", '" & vTestDate & "')"
on error resume next
conn.Execute sql
if err <> 0 then
msgbox("No update permissions! " & err )
end if
end sub
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Where the variables defined? You cannot use QV variables directly in a macro. You need syntax like this:
set v = ActiveDocument.Variables("vTestChar ")
vTestChar = v.GetContent.String
Hi Mark,
Try it by writing your variables like the below:
'$(vTestChar)' and follow the same format for other variables.
Thanks Sinan.
When I tried using that format I can no longer test the code and get an error, it says "Invalid character".
You may need to use chr(39) instead of single quote.
Changed to use chr(39):
sql="INSERT INTO mw_TestTable VALUES (" & chr(39) & vTestChar & chr(39) & ", " & vTestInt & ", " & chr(39) & vTestDate & chr(39) & ")" |
Same error as when I used the single quote.
Sorry Mark. I am on a computer, but can you just avoid using double quotes as well?
Can you try the below:
sql_text = 'INSERT INTO mw_TestTable VALUES (' & chr(39) & '$(vTestChar)' & ',' & chr(39) & '$(vTestInt)' & chr(39) & ',' & chr(39) & '$(vTestDate)' & chr(30) & ')';
Thank you for your continued help. The line returns a syntax error.
I believe the error is because a single quote designates commented out code and so by using single quotes, I've effectively commented out the line.
Let's try one more time:
sql_text = "INSERT INTO mw_TestTable VALUES (" & vTestChar & "," & vTestInt & "," & vTestDate & ")";
didn't realize you were writing this in VB.
This is not going to work either. I will get back to you.
Still getting the same error.