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Hi everyone, well my problem is that I have a slider with this expresion: =year(BillDate) and I want that the slider start with a default value selected like "2013", it is posible?
I was looking for an option like "Default Value" (I saw them in sumple tables), but the slider doesnt have it.
try Year(Max(BillDate)), it will take max year ,if 2013 is max year in your DB,
if you have 2014 you can use Year(Max(BillDate)-1) and so...
But I dont want to use only the max year, I want to show all year from bill, but start default value in 2013, do you understand?
Hi Rodrigo,
try below:
=if(GetSelectedCount(BillDate)=0, Year(Max(BillDate)))
Mean if nothing is selected in BillDate than it will take max year, which is 2013, else your selection.
will it help...?
and are you selecting one value at a time in slider? or a rang of value?
It doesnt work. I'm selecting one value or a range. There is a picture of the properties of the slider:
I would need to double check this but if you use a variable and preset that variable with a value (i.e. 2013) then the slider should start at that value. You can then utilise that variable in your expressions.
I use the variable BillDate from a data base, how can I preset the value?
I think BillDate is a field not a variable.
Have a look at the test below.
I'm working on the free edition of qlikview, I cant see your project. BillDate is a attribute from a database.