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The following if statement works, until the else portion of the logic is triggered, then I get the message "Error: Error in set modifier ad hoc element list: ',' or ')' expected"
=if(vFrom = 'N/A', Count({<[Transferred To Facility]={$(vTo)}>}CSN), 'Good')
I've narrowed the problem down to the dollar sign expansion. It seems that Qlikview trips up when dollar expansion is used inside a nested IF.
Does anyone have a solution?
Thanks in advance!
Did you try this/
=if(vFrom = 'N/A', Count({<[Transferred To Facility]={'$(=vTo)'}>}CSN), 'Good')
=if($(vFrom) = 'N/A', Count({<[Transferred To Facility]={'$(=vTo)'}>}CSN), 'Good')
What does the vTo variable contain? Do you have some examples of various values it can contain?
Did you try this/
=if(vFrom = 'N/A', Count({<[Transferred To Facility]={'$(=vTo)'}>}CSN), 'Good')
=if($(vFrom) = 'N/A', Count({<[Transferred To Facility]={'$(=vTo)'}>}CSN), 'Good')
Could it be that vTo expands to something containing spaces? If so, put the $(vTo) part between quotes.
Your first example worked perfectly. Thanks!