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Hi All,
Here Organization drill down group is not working for Total equipment metric(Last one in table) in the first table. can anyone help me out here.
Note: total equipment count in both tables should match.
Best Regards,
Hi All,
I got the answer for this issue, thanks to everyone who involved in this discussion, application gone for QA. I did data model changes like inner joined profit center id with work order table, aggregated WOSummary calculations with Equipment ID and Equipment Model name insted only Equipment model name . In this case Total/field values are coming right and drill down is working fine as well.
Best Regards,
Ganesh Reddy.
Hi jagan sunindia kavita25 swuehl gwassenaar , can you guys help me on this issue, do I need to make any data model changes to achieve the requirement or expression changes will be fine.
Best regards,
As I can see, they match already.
Except in the situation if you make selections in the dimension of the second table. And, it is obviously done deliberately - the expression in the first table has set analysis that ignores the selections made in the second table drill-down dimension.
Seems both are matching .
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the replay.They are matching, if there is no selections in first table. if you click on the first region value of first table which got total value as 122, it is giving 144 as total value(which is wrong accrding tom drill down properties). Please provide me solution on this.
Best Regards,
Hi Rgv,
Thanks for the reply. Yes they are matching initially, but not after making first selection in first table. Plese provide me a solution for this.
Best Regards,
It seems to be working fine .Count of Equipment Id is matching in both table even after selections in drill down .
2nd Selection District
3rd Selection
4th Slecion
This is what i understood.
If this is not your requirement let me know your desired result
Hi Rgv,
You can see the difference in your screen shoots itself, if you click on 'Smya' (contains 122 as total) in first screen, from the second selection total is showing 142 it should be 122 according to drill down property I am right. This is what the problem i am facing. I think I have explained my problem right if not please ask me
Best regards,
Why don't you use
Count(distinct EquipmentId)
in the first table? The result will always match in that case.
Maybe you have a good reason for a more complex expression which I don't see (?)
Hi Michael,
If i use count(distinct EqipmentId), field values for region are coming as wrong values. As you can see by replacing it, values are 142 and 84 != 206 but it should be x+x = 206.
Best Regards,