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Contributor III
Contributor III

Dynamic Button that updates Data to show last 10 minutes


I am new to Qlikview and hope someone can help me with a issue.

im trying to create a dynamic button that once selected, filters all other charts to just show the last 10 minutes of data. the file i am reading from is regulary updated so the button needs to be dynamic. my date filed is simply called "date"

any help would be much appreaicated! Apologies if ive missed anything




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1 Reply

Hi, I suppose your date Field is really a timestamp that also stores time, because you will need it to filter the last 10 minutes.

To filter last 10 minutes with a button you can have a variable that stores the filter to apply, in example having a variable vFilterTime:

In button properties -> Actions tab -> add an action -> External -> Set variable value -> Name:vFilterTime Value:=Now()-(1/(24*6)) 

And use this variable in expressions using set analysis: Sum({<Date={">=$(vFilterTime)"}>}  Value)

Maybe needs some fix because date and number formats can create issues.