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I have this expression in my pivot table:
Count({<Month=,Year=,MonthYear ={">=$(=Date(addmonths(Max(MonthYear), -11), 'MMM-YYYY')) <=$(=Date(addmonths(Max(MonthYear), 0), 'MMM-YYYY'))"} >}Place)
This allows me to see a 12 month view of Months at all times.
However, I want to include in this equation the option to exclude filters for Month and Year.
How do I do that?
Did you try to remove Trademonth and tradeyear from the expression?
are you wanting to default to a 12 month view but if other date selections are made, use those selections?
So i your equation, the date range is calculated on the current selection . If you select a year=2012 , then the max(trademonthyear) will be 2012. If you select 2014, it will select 2014 .
Count({<TradeMonth=,TradeYear=,TradeMonthYear ={">=$(=Date(addmonths(Max(TradeMonthYear), -11), 'MMM-YYYY')) <=$(=Date(addmonths(Max(TradeMonthYear), 0), 'MMM-YYYY'))"} >}Destination)
To prevent that, pre-calculate the max(TradeMonthYear) by using a variable
where the equation is : =max( {1} TradeMonthYear)
=max( {<TradeMonth=,TradeYear=>} TradeMonthYear)
Make sure to include the preceding '=' in the variable so it precalcualtes.
This will precompute the value for the whole data set regardless of selections . So if you select 2012 or 2014, it is stiall the maximum Year ... whatever that is in your data set.
Then you can use the variable
Count({<TradeMonth=,TradeYear=,TradeMonthYear ={">=$(=Date(addmonths( $(vMaxTradeMonthYear) , -11), 'MMM-YYYY')) <=$(=Date(addmonths( $(vMaxTradeMonthYear, 0), 'MMM-YYYY'))"} >}Destination)