We have expression something like below. We pass VDays from a input box to control for how may days chart should show the data based on the selected VMaxPeriod(This will be selected from the Calendar).
Period = {'>$(=date($(VMaxPeriod)-$(VDays))) <=$(=date($(VMaxPeriod))) '}
>} Sales)
Now we will create a similar caledar called "Exclusion Calendar" and based on the selected data in this calendar we would like to exclude only those dates from the above expression.
For example when we select 31st Jan,2015 from the usual Calendar and vDays=31. The chart will be showing data from 1st Jan,2015 to 31st Jan,2015. Now when the user selects 5th and 10th Jan,2015 from the exclusion Calendar the charts should not be showing any data for 5th and 10th Jan,2015.
Any idea how we can achieve this?