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Export Data to Excel in Different Sheets

I was able to create the following code from various posts, I am not very good at vBA and I am hoping someone could help me with why this is not working -

Qview does not seem to do what I want it to do, which is cycle through the charts in the sheet and export the data into diferent excel sheets, it doe snot provide an error message either. Or at leats explain if there is a debug option to trace it, I can't seem to find it (like I said, little experience with vBA). Eventually i want it to also cycle thrtough first 8 sheets, but I will deal withat later

Sub to_excel

Dim wsname

Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

XLApp.Visible = TRUE

Set XLDoc = XLApp.Workbooks.Add

strFileName = InputBox("Enter Path and File Name (from My Documents)", "Enter Path and Filename", defaultValue)

strFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\ewnym5s\My Documents\" & strFileName


'For i = 1 To 8

     Set MySheet = ActiveDocument.GetSheet("SH02")


     For X =lbound(MyCharts) to ubound(MyCharts)


        Set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(MyCharts(X).GetObjectId)

        IF Obj.GetObjectType >= 10 AND Obj.GetObjectType =< 16 Then

               wsname = Obj.GetObjectId

                XLDOC.Worksheets.Add().Name = wsname


                                        obj.CopyTableToClipboard true

                                        XLDoc.Sheets(wsname).Range("A" & 1).Select



         End if





end sub

2 Replies
Not applicable

'// ****************************************************************

'// Simple Export of just one object

'// ****************************************************************

sub exportToExcel_Variant1

'// Array for export definitions

Dim aryExport(0,3)

aryExport(0,0) = "objSalesPerYearAndRegion"

aryExport(0,1) = "Sales per Region a. Year"

aryExport(0,2) = "A1"

aryExport(0,3) = "data"

Dim objExcelWorkbook 'as Excel.Workbook

Set objExcelWorkbook = copyObjectsToExcelSheet(ActiveDocument, aryExport)

'// Now either just leave Excel open or do some other stuff here

'// like saving the excel, some formatting stuff, ...

end sub

'// ****************************************************************

'// More enhanced export of three objects to three different sheets

'// ****************************************************************

sub exportToExcel_Variant2

'// Array for export definitions

Dim aryExport(2,3)

aryExport(0,0) = "objSalesPerRegion"

aryExport(0,1) = "Sales per Region"

aryExport(0,2) = "A1"

aryExport(0,3) = "data"

aryExport(1,0) = "objTopCustomers"

aryExport(1,1) = "Top Customers"

aryExport(1,2) = "A1"

aryExport(1,3) = "data"

aryExport(2,0) = "objSalesPerYearAndRegion"

aryExport(2,1) = "Sales per Region a. Year"

aryExport(2,2) = "A1"

aryExport(2,3) = "data"

Dim objExcelWorkbook 'as Excel.Workbook

Set objExcelWorkbook = copyObjectsToExcelSheet(ActiveDocument, aryExport)

'// Now either just leave Excel open or do some other stuff here

'// like saving the excel, some formatting stuff, ...

end sub

'// ****************************************************************

'// Export of multiple objects in different formats (data & image)

'// In one case (sheet "Sales Overview") two objects are placed on

'// one sheet.

'// ****************************************************************

sub exportToExcel_Variant3

Dim aryExport(4,3)

aryExport(0,0) = "objSalesPerRegion"

aryExport(0,1) = "Sales Overview"

aryExport(0,2) = "A1"

aryExport(0,3) = "image"

aryExport(1,0) = "objTopCustomers"

aryExport(1,1) = "Sales Overview"

aryExport(1,2) = "H1"

aryExport(1,3) = "image"

aryExport(2,0) = "objSalesPerYearAndRegion"

aryExport(2,1) = "Sales Overview"

aryExport(2,2) = "A14"

aryExport(2,3) = "data"

aryExport(3,0) = "objTopCustomers"

aryExport(3,1) = "Top Customers"

aryExport(3,2) = "A1"

aryExport(3,3) = "image"

aryExport(4,0) = "objTopCustomers"

aryExport(4,1) = "Top Customers"

aryExport(4,2) = "A14"

aryExport(4,3) = "data"

Dim objExcelWorkbook 'as Excel.Workbook

Set objExcelWorkbook = copyObjectsToExcelSheet(ActiveDocument, aryExport)

'// Now either just leave Excel open or do some other stuff here

'// like saving the excel, some formatting stuff, ...

end sub

'// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE THE CODE BELOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

'// ****************************************************************

'// copyObjectsToExcel

'// ~~

'// Parameters:

'//                    qvDoc - Reference to the QlikView document (normally just use

'//                                        "ActiveDocument", but you can also use copyObjectsToExcel

'//                                        outside of QlikView ...

'//                    aryExportDefinition - array of settings

'// ~~

'// Version 1.02

'// ~~

'// The aryExportDefinition is used to pass the following properties to

'// copyObjectsToExcelSheet:


'//   Index                    Description

'// ------------------------

'//           0          -           Id of the QlikView object to copy from

'//           1          -           Name of the sheet (in Excel) where the object should be copied to


'//                                        (If a sheet with the same name already exists no new

'//                               sheet will be created, instead the existing sheet will

'//                                        be used for pasting the object)


'//                                        Note: the sheetName can be max 31 characters long


'//                    2          -           Range in Excel where the object should be pasted to

'//                    3          -           PasteMode ["data", "image"]

'//                                        Defines if the objects underlaying data should be

'//                                        pasted ("data") or the the image representing the object

'//                                        should be used

'// ****************************************************************

Private Function copyObjectsToExcelSheet(qvDoc, aryExportDefinition) 'as Excel.Workbook

Dim i 'as Integer

Dim objExcelApp 'as Excel.Application

Dim objExcelDoc 'as Excel.Workbook

Set objExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

objExcelApp.Visible = true 'false if you want to hide Excel

objExcelApp.DisplayAlerts = false

Set objExcelDoc = objExcelApp.Workbooks.Add

Dim strSourceObject

Dim qvObjectId 'as String

Dim sheetName

Dim sheetRange

Dim pasteMode

Dim objSource

Dim objCurrentSheet

Dim objExcelSheet


for i = 0 to UBOUND(aryExportDefinition)

          '// Get the properties of the exportDefinition array

          qvObjectId = aryExportDefinition(i,0)

          sheetName = aryExportDefinition(i,1)

          sheetRange = aryExportDefinition(i,2)

          pasteMode = aryExportDefinition(i,3)

          Set objExcelSheet = Excel_GetSheetByName(objExcelDoc, sheetName)

          if (objExcelSheet is nothing) then

                    Set objExcelSheet = Excel_AddSheet(objExcelApp, sheetName)

                    if (objExcelSheet is nothing) then

                              msgbox("No sheet could be created, this should not occur!!!")

                    end if

          end if


          set objSource = qvDoc.GetSheetObject(qvObjectId)

          Call objSource.GetSheet().Activate()



          if (not objSource is nothing) then

                    if (pasteMode = "image") then

                              Call objSource.CopyBitmapToClipboard()


                              Call objSource.CopyTableToClipboard(true) '// default & fallback

                    end if

                    Set objCurrentSheet = objExcelDoc.Sheets(sheetName)



                    if (pasteMode <> "image") then

                    With objExcelApp.Selection

            .WrapText = False

            .ShrinkToFit = False

                    End With                    

                    end if       


          end if


Call Excel_DeleteBlankSheets(objExcelDoc)

'// Finally select the first sheet


'// Return value

Set copyObjectsToExcelSheet = objExcelDoc

' save the workbook

  ' Save as New file

  'objExcelDoc.SaveAs "H:\Loader\Reporting\Daily\DMM\Result\Daily_CCAR_DMM_Util_" + strCutoffDate + ".xlsx"

  objExcelDoc.SaveAs "C:\Daily_CCAR_DMM_Util_20120806.xlsx"

  objExcelDoc.Close True

  objExcelApp.Close True

  Set objExcelSheet = Nothing

  Set objExcelDoc = Nothing

  Set objExcelApp = Nothing

end function

'// ________________________________________________________________

'// ****************************************************************

'// Internal function for getting the Excel sheet by sheetName

'// ****************************************************************

Private Function Excel_GetSheetByName(ByRef objExcelDoc, sheetName) 'as Excel.Sheet

For Each ws In objExcelDoc.Worksheets

          If (trim(ws.Name) = Excel_GetSafeSheetName(sheetName)) then

                    Set Excel_GetSheetByName = ws

                    exit function

          End If


'// default return value

Set Excel_GetSheetByName = nothing

End Function

'// ________________________________________________________________

Private Function Excel_GetSafeSheetName(sheetName)

          '// can be max 31 characters long

          retVal = trim(left(sheetName, 31))

          Excel_GetSafeSheetName = retVal

End Function

'// ****************************************************************

'// Internal function for adding a new sheet

'// ****************************************************************

Private Function Excel_AddSheet(objExcelApplication, sheetName) ' as Excel.Sheet

          '// add a sheet to the last position

          objExcelApplication.Sheets.Add , objExcelApplication.Sheets(objExcelApplication.Sheets.Count)

          Dim objNewSheet

          Set objNewSheet = objExcelApplication.Sheets(objExcelApplication.Sheets.Count)

          objNewSheet.Name = left(sheetName,31)

          '// return the newly created sheet

          Set Excel_AddSheet = objNewSheet

End function

'// ________________________________________________________________

'// ****************************************************************

'// Delete all empty sheets

'// ****************************************************************

Private Sub Excel_DeleteBlankSheets(ByRef objExcelDoc)

For Each ws In objExcelDoc.Worksheets

          If (not HasOtherObjects(ws)) then

                    If objExcelDoc.Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(ws.Cells) = 0 Then

                              On Error Resume Next

                              Call ws.Delete()

                    End If

          End If


End Sub

'// ________________________________________________________________

'// ****************************************************************

'// Helper function to determine if there are other objects placed

'// on the sheet ...

'// ****************************************************************

Public Function HasOtherObjects(ByRef objSheet) 'As Boolean

    Dim c

    If (objSheet.ChartObjects.Count > 0) Then

              HasOtherObjects = true

              Exit function

    End If

    If (objSheet.Pictures.Count > 0) Then

              HasOtherObjects = true

              Exit function

    End If

    If (objSheet.Shapes.Count > 0) Then

              HasOtherObjects = true

              Exit function

    End If

    HasOtherObjects = false

End Function


code above was posted by someone ..i forgot the name...

Not applicable


I am pasting my solution. I am not sure it is the most effcient, nor elegant, but it works. If you specify an existing filename excel will prompt you to see if you want to override.

a few comments: in my example it does not cycle through all sheets, I only wanted the first 8.

The path and filename are assumed to be startying from My Documents, adjust as needed - if the directory does not exist i assume it will fail

It is naming the excel sheet as the first 30 chars of the chart title, which is the second line in the first tab of properties. It fails if that is empty - feel free to trap the error, I just made sure all my charts had that. I liked that better than CH23 whihc means nothing to me

I freely concede I borrowed shamelessly from the boards here and other web postings, I do not claim any authorship, just trying to help others.

Sub to_excel

Dim wsname

Set XLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

XLApp.Visible = TRUE

Set XLDoc = XLApp.Workbooks.Add

Dim iRet

strFileName = InputBox("Enter Path and File Name (from My Documents)", "Enter Path and Filename", defaultValue)

strFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\ewnym5s\My Documents\" & strFileName

For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.NoOfSheets -2

     Set MySheet = ActiveDocument.GetSheet(i)



     For X =lbound(MyCharts) to ubound(MyCharts)

'        ActiveDocument.Sheets("SH02").Activate

        Set obj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject(MyCharts(X).GetObjectId)

        IF Obj.GetObjectType >= 10 AND Obj.GetObjectType =< 16 Then

'               k=inStr(1,obj.GetObjectId,"\")

'               wsname = right(obj.GetObjectId,len(obj.GetObjectId)-k)

                                        wsname = left(obj.getProperties.ChartProperties.Title.Title.v,30)

'                                        iRet = MsgBox(wsname, vbOK, "Title")

                XLDOC.Worksheets.Add().Name = wsname


                                        obj.CopyTableToClipboard true

                                        XLDoc.Sheets(wsname).Range("A" & 1).Select



         End if






end sub