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Export from dimension to multiple xlsx files.

I have these code, export dimension "nivo4" to multiple sheets, please any help,
how to export to multiple workbooks (xlsx files) instead worksheet:

Dim strRootFolder

strRootFolder = "C:\Product\"

Dim reportName


Dim WidgetID

WidgetID = "Product"

Dim widgetProductA

widgetProductA = "Turska kafa"

Dim widgetProductB

widgetProductB = "White cup"

Dim widgetProductC

widgetProductC = "Espreso kafa"

Dim widgetProductD

widgetProductD = "Other turkish"

Dim widgetProductE

widgetProductE = "Black cup"


Function ExportProduct()

  CALL CheckFolderExists(strRootFolder)

  ActiveDocument.ClearAll true

   Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

  xlApp.Visible = true

  Set xlDoc = xlApp.Workbooks.Add 'open new workbook

  nSheetsCount = 0

  'CALL RemoveDefaultSheet(xlDoc)

  nSheetsCount = xlDoc.Sheets.Count


  Set xlSheet = xlDoc.Sheets(nSheetsCount)

  CALL ExportRevenueWidgets(xlDoc,xlSheet)

  'Save generated report

  xlApp.ActiveWorkBook.SaveAs strRootFolder &" "&reportName & ".xlsx"


End Function


'Call Export Widgets By Sheet

Function ExportRevenueWidgets(xlDoc,xlSheet)

  ActiveDocument.GetField("nivo4").select widgetProductA

  CALL ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,WidgetID, widgetProductA)


   ActiveDocument.GetField("nivo4").select widgetProductB

  CALL ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,WidgetID, widgetProductB)



  ActiveDocument.GetField("nivo4").select widgetProductC

  CALL ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,WidgetID, widgetProductC)


   ActiveDocument.GetField("nivo4").select widgetProductD

  CALL ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,WidgetID, widgetProductD)


   ActiveDocument.GetField("nivo4").select widgetProductE

  CALL ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,WidgetID, widgetProductE)


End Function

''''''''''''''''''''Export Widgets by Type'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Function ExportWidget(xlDoc,xlSheet,widget, Value)

  Select Case Value

  Case widgetProductA:

  Call Export(0,xlSheet,widget,xlDoc,widgetProductA)

  Case widgetProductB:

  Call Export(1,xlSheet,widget,xlDoc,widgetProductB)

   Case widgetProductC:

  Call Export(0,xlSheet,widget,xlDoc,widgetProductC)

  Case widgetProductD:

  Call Export(1,xlSheet,widget,xlDoc,widgetProductD)

  Case widgetProductE:

  Call Export(1,xlSheet,widget,xlDoc,widgetProductE)

  End Select

End Function

''''''''''''Export Widgets''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Function Export(IsNeedNewSheet,xlSheet,widgetID,xlDoc,sheetName)

  If IsNeedNewSheet = 1 then

  CALL AddExcelSheet(xlDoc,sheetName)

  nSheetsCount = xlDoc.Sheets.Count


  Set xlSheet = xlDoc.Sheets(nSheetsCount)


  xlSheet.Name = sheetName

    End If


    nRow = xlSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count


    If nRow > 1 Then

    nRow = nRow + 4


    nRow = nRow + 2

    End If

  Set SheetObj = ActiveDocument.GetSheetObject("CH26")

  ObjCaption   = SheetObj.GetCaption.Name.v

  xlSheet.Range("A"&nRow-1) = ObjCaption

  xlSheet.Range("A"&nRow-1).Font.Bold = true

  'Copy the chart object to clipboard

  SheetObj.CopyTableToClipboard true

  'Paste the chart object in Excel file

  xlSheet.Paste xlSheet.Range("A"&nRow)

  'Format the excel file

  xlSheet.cells.Font.Size = "8"

  xlSheet.cells.Font.Name = "Tahoma"

End Function

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Add New Sheet in Excel File'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Sub AddExcelSheet(xlDoc, strSheetName)

  xlDoc.Sheets.Add, xlDoc.Sheets(xlDoc.Sheets.Count)

  Set xlSheet  = xlDoc.Sheets(xlDoc.Sheets.Count)

  xlSheet.Name = Left(strSheetName, 31)

End Sub

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