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Figures on dimension "month" should match those on dimension "day"


I have been here before with this and similar issues. Dealing with the personell_data seems to be very tricky, even without considering the fact that it's highly sensitive data.

This time, the issue is about the dimensions "day" and "month":

- In most of our apps, we use a dimension "day" (an expression from a qvs) to display a week from Mon to Sat

- In some we use a variation of that dimension that does not include Sat. Such is the case here.

- The other dimension we have in most cases is the month.

=> Both are based on a master_calendar, also from a qvs.

- In this app, in this chart to display the presence_quota, what I do is basically count the personell_numbers. Easy enough.

- That is correct with the dimension "day" (not considering people being on holiday or being sick or being off-duty) - all those I can

   implement using a set_expression, the info is in my table.

<=> On the dimension "month", it is not correct because one personell_number is basically registered once for every day, owing to the
        way my table is constructed (it is just enlarged to contain 1rec per day from any employee's start_date to his/her leave_date)

=> A logical solution seems to be dividing that figure by the nr. of working_days in that month - that should be a pretty good
     approximation, given the nr. of employees does not differ within that month.

=> I have yesterday developed a code calculating the nr. of working_days per month, using the networkdays() function and a list of
     public holidays in the year 2014. I tested it and it seemed good.

<=> Still, the nr. of employees I thus calculate for one month (dimension is "month") is higher than the nr. of employees on one day
       within that month.

I have chosen for testing one team where, with the dimension "day", when I select the entire month of August, the nr. of employees in the team is the same every day.

The formula I use here is the following:

>>> sum({$<%Datum = {"$(= '<' & DATE(v_today))"}>}Anz_MA_soll)   <<<

(Anz_MA_soll is just a number in an aggregated table, a Count of employees)

=> For the dimension "month", I would use the following formula:

>>> sum({$<%Datum = {"$(= '<' & DATE(v_today))"}>}Anz_MA_soll) / Arbeitstage_im_Monat   <<<

(the figures here are higher than the number of emps on any given day, which, again, is the same every day of the month of Aug.)

=> Is there anything in the logic that I have overlooked and that might cause the figures to differ or will I need to put together some sample data?

2 Replies

OK - I just found out by chance that when i divide that total COUNT  by the real nr. of days (31 for August or for July), the figures in this example match exactly.

I'm sitting with a contact from that team today anyway, so I'll check that end of the calculation first.

I'll be back here and tell you if the issue persists or not.

Best regards,




this is indeed solved - of course, in the personell_database, the association of any employee with his/her work_area is always there, Mon-Sun, and on public holidays. When I divide by that, the figures are correct.

The code I developed for public holidays still has its use. I implemented it in our master_calendar, we can use it for ex. to just suppress the display of presence_data on a holiday.

Best regards,
