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We have to match two lists that only have Company names, and no common IDs or any other field to JOIN them on. To use fuzzy logic to match Company name fields to join the table in Load Statment. Please refer to the file and screenshot.
Please check the below link also. This is my solution similar to your problem. If you have any question on this, let me know.
Function levenshtein( a, b )
Dim i,j,cost,d,min1,min2,min3
' Avoid calculations where there there are empty words
If Len( a ) = 0 Then levenshtein = Len( b 😞 Exit Function
If Len( b ) = 0 Then levenshtein = Len( a 😞 Exit Function
' Array initialization
ReDim d( Len( a ), Len( b ) )
For i = 0 To Len( a 😞 d( i, 0 ) = i: Next
For j = 0 To Len( b 😞 d( 0, j ) = j: Next
' Actual calculation
For i = 1 To Len( a )
For j = 1 To Len( b )
If Mid(a, i, 1) = Mid(b, j, 1) Then cost = 0 Else cost = 1 End If
' Since min() function is not a part of VBScript, we'll "emulate" it below
min1 = ( d( i - 1, j ) + 1 )
min2 = ( d( i, j - 1 ) + 1 )
min3 = ( d( i - 1, j - 1 ) + cost )
If min1 <= min2 And min1 <= min3 Then
d( i, j ) = min1
ElseIf min2 <= min1 And min2 <= min3 Then
d( i, j ) = min2
d( i, j ) = min3
End If
levenshtein = d( Len( a ), Len( b ) )
End Function
ContID, Contact, CompanyName
32445, John@decisive.org, Decisive Data
43634, Dave@decisive.org, Decisive Data Inc
234234, Mike@decisive.org, Decisive Data Inc.
342348, Rita@datcom.com, Data com
45686, Caleb@datcom.com, Datacom
65896, Jane@agregado.com, "Agregado, SA de CV"
189466, Derek@agregado.com, Agregado sa de cv
45663, Mave@arrow.uk, Arrow
56862, Kris@nypb.com, NY Personnel Bd
98563, Steve@nypb.com, NY Personnel Board
CompanyID, CompanyName2
C23001, "Decisive Data, Inc."
C23002, Data com LLC
C23003, "Agregado, S.A. de C.V."
C23004, Arrow AB
C23005, NY Personnel Board
LOAD *, Levenshtein(CompanyName, CompanyName2) As LevenDist
Resident Table1;
Drop Table Table1;
The following Design Blog post may provide another alternative too: