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I have an example of a graph here:
At the moment the data is Month Year across the X Axis and Amount Outstanding up the Y axis grouped by a single transaction id which has three Classes which are the three different coloured bars in the chart.
My question is whether Qlikview allows for an actual z axis, i.e coming towards or going away from the user where I could show multiple sets of data on the
same graph and by that i mean multiple transactions with the classes shown on per line going back on the z axis.
Data Set shown now:
Transaction ID Class ID Amount Oustanding Date
121212 A 123123123 July 2004
121212 B 23123123 July 2004
121212 C 3123123 July 2004
Data Set i want to show:
Transaction ID Class ID Amount Oustanding Date
121212 A 123123123 July 2004
121212 B 23123123 July 2004
121212 C 3123123 July 2004
131313 A 444444444 July 2004
131313 B 33333333 July 2004
131313 C 2222222 July 2004
Any further clarification needed please feel free to ask.
Many Thanks
Please find the attached QVW and let me know if this is of anyuse. I used the Transaction ID as one of the Dimension.
Please find the attached QVW and let me know if this is of anyuse. I used the Transaction ID as one of the Dimension.
Thanks for the help Andy.