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Group condition in Set Analysis

I have a productid , productType

I need to have

sum of sales  when (prodctid = 4 and productType = ("a","b","c","d") ) or (productId = 5 and ProuctType =("a","d","f"))

I am able to make two conditions but not a same single one for the above requirement.

Need Help with this.

5 Replies

Try union set operator + like in

=Sum( {<productid = {4}, productType = {'a','b','c','d'}> + <productid = {5}, productType = {'a','d'.'f'}>} sales)

Not applicable

Thanks, That Helps

now i am confused.

Can we write a compound condition in set analysis like

sum of sales ( compid = 1 , prefferedrep=4, (prodctid = 4 and productType = ("a","b","c","d") ) or (productId = 5 and ProuctType =("a","d","f"), date between Jan 01 to Jan 31)

Sum ({< compid = {'1'}

, prefferdredp = {'4'}

,date = {'>= $(vYearStartDate) <= $(vYearEndDate)'}

>}sales ) is the condition so far , now need to add the Sum( {<productid = {4}, productType = {'a','b','c','d'}> + <productid = {5}, productType = {'a','d'.'f'}>} sales) into the existing sum .

can you please help


May be try this:

Sum ({

<compid = {'1'}, prefferdredp = {'4'}, date = {'>= $(vYearStartDate) <= $(vYearEndDate)'}, productid = {4}, productType = {'a','b','c','d'}>


<compid = {'1'}, prefferdredp = {'4'}, date = {'>= $(vYearStartDate) <= $(vYearEndDate)'}, productid = {5}, productType = {'a','d'.'f'}>}



Just like selections in list boxes, set analysis using a field selection uses an OR logic within the field selection and AND logic when combining several field selections. If you need another logic, use several set modifier (the part between the angle brackets <...> in combination with set operators.

For your example, maybe like

Sum( {

<compid = {'1'}, prefferdredp = {'4'} ,date = {'>= $(vYearStartDate) <= $(vYearEndDate)'},

productid = {4}, productType = {'a','b','c','d'}>


<compid = {'1'}, prefferdredp = {'4'},date = {'>= $(vYearStartDate) <= $(vYearEndDate)'},

productid = {5}, productType = {'a','d','f'}>

} sales)

Not applicable

Got to get this below condition into a straight table expression.

sum (Net_amount)  when

bd_id = 1

and ass.sec_type = 'mf'

and cancelled_ind = 'N'

and proprietary = 0

and trans_type = 'b'

and int_type not in (0, -1, 25, 207, 6, 7, 24, 11, 30, 31, 43, 51, 52, 211)

and cusip not like 'FDN%'

and trade_date between '1/01/2016' and '3/31/2016'

and acct_type not like '%529%'

and net_amt >= $2000

and Norm_Trans_Cd not in ('0301SDU','0302SDU','0401SUD','0402RDU','4001SDU')

and ((trans_code not in ('20XX  1','050',   '052',  '332300++','3320++', '132101++','10TOAD','0140','002'))   or exchange_ind = 'N')

got to this

<[BD_ID] = {'1'}

,[Description] = {'Independent RIA', 'Advisor Select – Full Wrap', 'Advisor Select – with Trans Chrgs'}

,[trans_type] ={'b'}


,[sec_type]-={'mm', 'ca', '01'}

,[CUSIP] -= {'FDN*'}

,[Acct_Type] -={'*529*'}

,[Cancelled_Ind] = {'N'}

,[Proprietary] = {'0'}

,[Trans_Type] = {'b'}

,[sec_type] = {'mf','MF'}

,[Norm_Trans_Cd] -={'0301SDU','0302SDU','0401SUD','0402RDU','4001SDU'}

,[Trade_Date]={"$(= '>=' & $(vYearStartDate) & '<=' & $(vYearEndDate))"}

,[Net_Amt] ={">=2000"}

,[Trans Code] -={'20XX  1','050','052','332300++','3320++','132101++','10TOAD','0140','002'}


need help in getting the AND and the OR condition in the same condition.