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Hi Guy's
I have the following sheet as shown below. I would like to hide all rows where the expression "date count" fields is 3. Is this possible ?
Kind regards
Thanks so Much Sunny
I tried the following in a calculated dimension and it worked.
=Aggr(if(isNull(MaxString([Shipment Document Release Date])) or IsNull(MaxString([Actual Discharge Date])) or IsNull(MaxString([Final Payment Recieved])), [Our Shipment Reference]), [Our Shipment Reference])
May be use this kind of logic for all your expressions, except date count expression
If([date count] <> 3, yourexpreission)
and for date count expression
If(expression <> 3, expression)
Thanks so Much Sunny
I tried the following in a calculated dimension and it worked.
=Aggr(if(isNull(MaxString([Shipment Document Release Date])) or IsNull(MaxString([Actual Discharge Date])) or IsNull(MaxString([Final Payment Recieved])), [Our Shipment Reference]), [Our Shipment Reference])
Great, I am glad you were able to figure it out. Please close the thread now