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Hide first 12 data points of MAT


I have created a moving annual total using Rangesum and displayed this in a line chart with 13 rolling periods, however the totals start at 0 and then acumulating to the 13 periods. Is there anyway of excluding the first 12 data pionts?

2 Replies
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Goto Chart Properties > Dimension Limits > Then under the box titled "Limits "

Select the Option "Restrict the Values which are displayed using first express"

Then under the option "Show Only Values that are"

If you can send me the dimension values I can further help you.

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Thank you for your reply,

However i have version 10 which does not have Demension Limits function.

My dimension value is YearPeriod E.G 2009/10     1 and expression is sum of sales figure accumulated over 13 periods.