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Highlight the listbox

Hi All,

I am using Qlikview 10 personal edition.

Can anyone please help me to highlight the listbox.

Let me explain you my task..

I have developed one report in qlikview. Now the task is suppose I am clicking in one field it will show the related fields. I need to highlight all those related fields including it.

Thanks in Advance.

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions

Hi Sandeepa,

See the attached sample where i give condition to the straight table which gives the null value highlighted in the red background by sinple condition to check null values. It is a chart which display the null values in any data.



View solution in original post

12 Replies
Creator III
Creator III


Didn't get your question properly. You want the related data to be highlighted ? if so it is already highlighted by "Related item for the selection are in White" and data which is "Unrelated to the selection are in Gray"

Please explain you scenario in brief.

- Sridhar

Not applicable

Is there anything like conditional format ?

If yes then please explain how to implement it...

Not applicable

Yeah.. Your absolutely right...

It's highlighting in white color, is there any provision to change this color to any other color...

Creator III
Creator III

As far as i know, there is no predefined option to change this default colors.

- Sridhar

Creator III
Creator III

As far as i know, there is no predefined option to change this default colors.

- Sridhar


When I last asked this question, I received a response that you cannot change QlikView's default selection colors (white for possible, gray for excluded, green for selected, blue for locked), and the same thing appears in QlikView 10's help file. You can play with the shades of these colors using the preset themes, but that's it.

What you might be able to use here is a List Box expression, perhaps set up as a stoplight gauge (see below image for example). This was achieved by adding a listbox expression with the formula along the lines of If(count(distinct myColumn)>0,1) and a stoplight gauge with a single light set to yellow.

Hope this helps,





You need to set aome setting in Properties -> Selection Style Override -> and set as on of Windowscheckbox or LED and see the changes.



Not applicable

Let me explain you in brief..

When I am clicking on one field the related fields are populating. Some fields are null. I have to populate those null fields in a specific color which will be easier to identify for the end user.

Not applicable

In ListBox properties there is an option called "Conditonal". I guess it may help. But do not know how to use it..

I have to highlight those fields which have null values.

Suppose by clicking on x,

a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h fields are populating. b,e,h fields have null values then I have to highlight in red.