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hi to all ,
Sometimes there made a selection and the display of the chart changes :
before selection ( step 0 ) -
selections ............. step 1, step 2 .. .. step n
after CLEAR - back to ( step 0 ) -
How do we fix - not to move - the chart display so it will display always the LAST value on X axis set down ( descending ) ?
When you clear the selection, chart goes away? Not sure I understood the issue, is it possible to elaborate and/or provide a sample?
you may define Set Clear state
when you select your step 0, goto tab Selections
and click on "set clear state"
whenerv you press the clear button (e.g. after several steps), ypou will be back to step 0
Did you try sorting(desc) using X-axis dimension?
WOW that was fast ,
no the data of the chart return to step 0 - its ok , but the user see the year 1956 , he need to scroll to the right to see from year 2016 and down . we dont want him to work so hard ..
yes Digvijay , i did and its steel same problem.
What is the issue?
hi to all , here is my solution :