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How get RowNo() inside a module macro

Hi, people.

I need get the row count of tables from a module Function.

The editor isn't integrated into object-model and I look for any

reference about Application.Tables or ActiveDocument.Tables, etc.

Than, I try a lot of expression., but nothing works.

I would like something like:

Function RecordCount(vanTableName)

dim d

     d = Application.RowNo(vanTableName)

     RecordCount = d

End Function

How can I get this using modules?

1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

1. You can't access table properties from a VB routine via script.

2. The function to get number of rows in a table already exists as a script function "NoOfRows('tablename')".

3. Script SUBs can't return values like functions.

4. If you want to modify NoOfRows so it returns -1 instead of null for empty table, you can create your own version as a variable with parameter like this:

SET myNoOfRows = alt(NoOfRows('$1'),-1);

and call it in script as:



View solution in original post

13 Replies

I'm not sure if it's possible per api - but you could look in the APIGuide,qvw in your install-folder.

If you really need these information within the macro-modul I would create a structure-table with the system-fields like $Tables and $Fields and $Rows and so on. There is already an object-typ available by right-click on an empty sheet-part and then structure-table but you could also create some own objects. Then I would read these table per macro - look in APIGuide in field Member to getrowcount and you will find some examples.

- Marcus

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Where will you use this module function? In script or in a chart expression?


Not applicable

Hi, Marcus.

Yes, I am buinding a library to control the update of some tables but I won't have the names of its before the process..

I will try your sugestion and look for the member GetRowCount. If I get my objective I will tell you.

Thanks for your answer.


Ricardo Ildefonso

Not applicable

Hi, Rob.

I just wrote above about the use. It is inside a module, not in a tipical script and not in a chart.

Do you have some idea?

Thanks for your attention.


Ricardo Ildefonso

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

I don't understand. What I was asking is: from where will the function be invoked? Even if it is invoked from another routine within the module, what environment (chart, script or external) was the first routine invoked in?



Hi Ricardo,

how Rob Wunderlich mentioned it's important to know where these informations should be generated and why?

Within the gui per module-editor you could use my suggestion from above, should it be while the script-execution it won't work because at that time there isn't an ActiveDocument available - but then you could use table-functions like TableName() or Noofrows() within the script. It is from extern you could read the meta-data from your app.

It is only for a single applications or for many? So it depends from what you want ...

- Marcus

Not applicable

Goog morning, Marcus. Good morning, Rob.

Sorry I wasn't clear. I really am new on QlikView.

And, just reading your messages, I learned some new: while it is running a Reload there is no active document.

So, I know I have a problems from basics. I am senior in SQL, C# and more, but I believe that work with QlikView is more like ABAP... Am I rigth about that?

Ops! I don't have experience with ABAP, too.

I am writing a code to be reused in other tasks and apps.

So, I don't have idea about when a script will be called. Just for it, each part of code is within a SUB ... ENDSUB declaration.

At the end of scripts a just use CALL to invoke each one I need.

Because that, there are moments I will start a process that need a table load before.

So, I need a function like this:

Function RecordCount(value)

    Dim r: r = -1


    r = Application.NoOfRows(value)

    RecordCount = r


End Function

In that case, if a table just was loaded, but have no records I will get 0 (zero) for answer. But, if that table never was loaded before, the expression must fire a internal error and I will get a impossible value to records counter: -1 !!!

Can you see the big diference?

This test is repeated several times during the load process. Answer your question, Rob, I will use it from a script, at moment of load my data.

It would be very, very unproductive and very unsafe use variables for control that.

Just for all these reasons I need know about a table state and its properties at a module macro.

May I clear this time?

I am sorry about my "newbie" situation, but I need start from a point, am I not?

Thanks your dedication.


Ricardo Ildefonso


Hi Ricardo,

for this you don't need macro-functions. How above mentioned you could read these informations with script-table-functions and you could use variables or a own table to save these informations. And check-routines about the record-counts or any errors (therefor is an Errormode available - set ErrorMode = 0|1|2) could be made with if-then-else-statements. Here a small example from an old post Re: Auswertung - QlikView Enterprise Management Console how table-functions could be used - but I believe you won't be able to access these post. In this case I log loads into a qvd whereby most of these load-statement is in a include-variable outsourced:

let vTabName = 'Pull-Load'; // Name des Script-Tabs für die LoadLogging-Routine

let vLoadArt = 'none'; // Variable um die Load-Art (full, incremental, partiell, none) abzubilden
let vRelated = $(vRelated) + 1; // Zählvariable, um mehrere Loads an einem Tag unterscheiden zu können

let vLoadStart = num(now() - today(), '#.########', '.', ','); // Beginn des Load-Vorganges - gehört zur Routine des Load-Logging

Load x, y, z From z;
store xyz into abc.qvd (qvd);

Load-Logging zur Verbesserung der Performance und zum Nachhalten der Load-Vorgänge
- das QlikView-eigene Load-Logging ist nicht konfigurierbar und vom Format unübersichtlich, insbesondere wenn mit Loop's und Call's gearbeitet wird
- Log-Files sind zur weiteren/dauerhaften Verwendung schwierig einlesbar
- relevante Loaddaten werden überwiegend per Tabellen- und Zeitfunktionen in Variablen geschrieben und in ein Log-File geschrieben
- der Script-Code wird größtenteil in eine Include-Variable ausgelagert, um die Übersichtlichkeit des eigentlichen Scriptes zu bewahren

let vLoadTable = TableName(NoOfTables() - 1); // Name der zuletzt geladenen Tabelle wird ausgelesen
let vLoadEnde = num(now() - today(), '#.########', '.', ','); // Ende des Load-Vorganges als Uhrzeit
let vLoadFieldCount = NoOfFields('$(vLoadTable)'); // Anzahl der Tabellenfelder wird ausgelesen
let vLoadFields = ''; // Variablen-Inhalt löschen

for i = 1 to $(vLoadFieldCount)
let vLoadFields = '$(vLoadFields)' & FieldName($(i), '$(vLoadTable)') & ', '; // Felder der Tabelle werden String verkettet

Load * From LoadLogging.qvd (qvd); // historische Load-Logging-Daten werden eingeladen
today(1) as Datum, time($(vLoadStart), 'hh:mm:ss') as Start, time($(vLoadEnde), 'hh:mm:ss') as Ende, time($(vLoadEnde) - $(vLoadStart), 'hh:mm:ss') as Dauer,
as Tabelle, NoOfRows('$(vLoadTable)') as Datensätze, $(vLoadFieldCount) as FeldAnzahl, '$(vLoadFields)' as FelderListe, rowno() as DS,
DocumentName() as Anwendung, if(isnull(filesize('$(vLoadTable).qvd')), 'kein Store', filesize('$(vLoadTable).qvd')) as FileSize, $(vRelated) as Related,
as ScriptTab, '$(vLoadArt)' as LoadArt
AutoGenerate 1;
store LoadLogging into LoadLogging.qvd (qvd);
drop table LoadLogging;

Ende Load-Logging

- Marcus

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

"I really am new on QlikView."


I can't help thinking you are totally on the wrong track. It's unusual to need macros/module at all, esp for a beginner.

I think Marcus is giving you some good pointers. You can write reusable script Subroutines using the script SUB statement. And you can pull those routines into multiple scripts usng the $(Include) statement.
