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What if I have 20GB of qlikview application? How much memory (ram) needed? What will happen to the succeeding users, how much memory --- they will be needed? Please explain to me. Thanks
Normally on the first call, the size of the application will be loaded in the memory, and although when a user exist the application, the memory will not free up totally, subsequently, when each new user connected, the memory increase by around 10% (i don't have the fact for this, it was given during a verbal discussion with some expert).
It all depends on what you build, 20GB will probably be good if your applications are small (i mean few MB), and it doesn't take long time for the reload and your number of users.
I have an application, just during the reloading, it is taking 18GB.
Not an expert advise, but hope to give you some ideas....
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the info.
Best Regards,