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Do More with Qlik - Qlik Cloud Analytics Recap and Getting Started, June 19: REGISTER
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How to Display the Expression In a Gauge Chart

I created a gauge chart with no dimensions that shows a percentage. Right now the gauge chart works and the percentage is showed by the needle correctly. However, I need a way to display that value within the gauge chart itself. I know its possible as I have seen it in other files, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Basically, right now when I hover my mouse over the gauge, the correct value appears, but I just need to display that value at all times on the gauge or near it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 Solution

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hi Yiling,

you can definitely do this by defining 'text in chart' field under properties>presentation>text in chart.

there u can define a same expression again to display percentages. num function will be used here to display correct number format. for an example if i have a field Amound_Sold and another field Total_Amount than your formula will be:



this will show your percentages within a chart also.

hope this will work



View solution in original post

5 Replies
Not applicable

hi Yiling,

you can definitely do this by defining 'text in chart' field under properties>presentation>text in chart.

there u can define a same expression again to display percentages. num function will be used here to display correct number format. for an example if i have a field Amound_Sold and another field Total_Amount than your formula will be:



this will show your percentages within a chart also.

hope this will work



Not applicable

I tried your solution with both the Num and the Num# functions but both just displaying the expression text so Num(Sum(Margin)/Sum(Sales),'#,#%') would appear instead of just 20.4%.

Not applicable

Sorry I forgot the equal sign!

Your solution works.

Not applicable

Btw, how would I link text and values together?

For example, I want to show something that says "Margin%: 20.3"

Not applicable

Here it is

='Margin%: ' & Num(Sum(Margin)/Sum(Sales),'#,#%')
