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How to access "Total Mode" under Expressions tab for bar chart

I have a simple bar chart to show sales order dollars by salesrep.  The problem is I'm getting a grand total as a bar in the chart along with the "sales rep" bars.  I read in the community posting about checking the "No Totals" option in the Total Mode box under expressions tab but this option is greyed out.  Anyone know how to enable the Total Mode options for a bar chart?

2 Replies

If you're using QV11 you may have the option Show Total on the Dimension Limits tab enabled. If you uncheck that option the total bar would go away. In Qlikview 10 the option is located on the Presentation tab.

talk is cheap, supply exceeds demand
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The Show Total on the Dimensions Limits is not checked.  See attached screen shot.dimensionLimitsScreenShot.jpg