Hello all ,
I have developed one qlikview application. and added session access in script tab for security as below
Access | Username | Password |
Users | DevUser1 | 123 |
I am able to access this QVW from Qlikview Access point and it also ask me to enter userid and password . So thats working well
But Now I have to call this QVW document from my website and have to provide SSO (single Sign on ) functionality using third part security feature of qlikview.
I am using SQL SERVER database for my website login and have DevUser1 created on database.
I have added Webticket handler logic in website and that's only works well when my user is NT user.
Now I don't want to create DevUser1 on my server and have to configure DMS on qlikview server in such a way that it will authanticate QVW from username inside ticket created by website.
So Let me know how to configure DMS on qlikview server and how to add DevUser1 in qlikview server authantication ?