I tried to do it with function GetObjectField(index,object id).
I put in definition(for ex. variable name like vVar1) :
=IF(GetObjectField(0,'CH01') like '*IF(vShowTotals =*' and GetObjectField(1,'CH01') like '*IF(vShowTotals =*',True(),false())
into a variable , but it does not work immediately after changing the order of columns in a table (pivot table). It works only after any action in dashboards. ( select in the field, etc.)
How can I do so that variable is updated immediately after the change of order of the columns in pivot table?
I have set a trigger (action - change the variable vVar1) to run macros )
Example application in attachment.
(in original version first and second dimension in the table are hidden (colwidth = 0))
Best Regards,
Anton Aleksandrov