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I am trying to download QlikView 10 (version 10), but not able to download it. Tried following link but its giving me an error.
can some one help me ??
use the above link to download qlikview 10 sr3 (latest release).
you can dowlnoad qlikview 10 latest version from download section of qlik.com. if you belongs to customer or partner.
if u are partner then you have a registered id for login.
using this u can download.
Sunil Chauhan
I tried following link
1. its taking too much time
2. when it opens, it just shows proccessing & after some it automatically closes the page
may be issue on site . so try after sometimes.
sometimes I also faced this issue on download section .
please see link above.
I tried following link
1. its taking too much time
2. when it opens, it just shows proccessing & after some it automatically closes the page
please change your default Brower.