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I need help to save excel with Current Selection as file name. Also if there is nothing selected, it should save as default name
I tried to setup a variable which will hold current selection value and use it in the macro but it doesn't work.
Varialbe declared in Document Properties as:
vSelection = (replace(GetCurrentSelections(),': ','_')
and Macro is:
set v = ActiveDocument.Variables("vSelection")
Selection = v.GetContent.String
Path = "C:\qlikview\"
FileName = Selection & "_Report" & ".xlsx"
ActiveDocument.Sheets("REC Dashboard").Activate
objExcelWorkbook.SaveAs Path & FileName
MsgBox("File Saved Successfully in C:\qlikview\"+Selection+".xls")
It works for a single fiield is selected. If I have more than one Field selected, it doesn't work because vSelection sends string in two lines
vSelection = replace(replace(GetCurrentSelections(),': ','_'),chr(13)chr(10),'_')
vSelection = replace(replace(GetCurrentSelections(),': ','_'),chr(13)chr(10),'_')
It worked. Thnx. However can you please help me what exactly you did with chr(13) and chr(10)?
Getcurrentselections inserts a linebreak between the results of different fields. The linebreak consists of two ascii characters, a Carriage Return (chr 13) and a Line Feed (chr 10). I replaced them with an underscore '_'.
Also I used following to default 'No Selection' to filename 'Overall'
= IF((Nullcount (SubStringCount( GetCurrentSelections(':'),':'))),'Overall',replace(replace(GetCurrentSelections(),': ','_'),chr(13)&chr(10),'_'))