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How to use 2 different (non-related) fields as a filter in same sheet dynamically in QLIKVIEW?

Hi All,

I am trying to use 2 different fields as a filter in a single sheet in QLIKVIEW. The problem is :


1. one field is : STORE

2. other one is: DISPENSE STORE.


In the sheet I have few graphs which are based on the STORE as filter and rest are based on DISPENSE STORE as filter.

I have tried to use possible value fx to fetch the info, so codeset is like :


the challenge I am currently facing is due to the calendar dimension, Few of my graphs are suppose to hold data for a certain period and the time limit has to define by DISPENSE STORE and again the Expression of the  graphs suppose to use calculate based on STORE value.

The challenge would be easily resolved if I use :  STORE = p(DISPENSE STORE), but as STORE is already the default filter in the Sheet, I can not write this code in the Exp.


Please let me know if any solution available for this problem. I am trying to use Alternate State now but any other solution would be very helpful.






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1 Reply
Master III
Master III

do you have separate table for STORE and DISPENSE STORE ?

If so, May be you can try to create the LinkTable.



Load  Keyfield_Store as Keyfield,



from STORE;


Load Keyfied_Dispense_Store  as Keyfield,




Link the Date field to mastercalendar.