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I am following a book "Qlikview Essentials" which includes Adventure Works data model. But I am not able to resolve the synthetic keys. Can anybody please help me in resolving the same.
OK, so now you're joining the employee information onto the sales person table. Don't do that either.
Synthetic keys can be avoided but I cannot suggest until I see the data.
From those Images I can say Concatenate Employee table and Orders Table as they have few fields in common.
Can you upload the sample data with your sample qvw?
Your orders table looks broken. It probably shouldn't have anything from the synthetic key on it except for the employee ID. Somewhere in the script you're probably joining all the employee information onto the orders table.
Yes. Thanks. I have commented "employees let join (orders)". But now data model looks like attached one.
OK, so now you're joining the employee information onto the sales person table. Don't do that either.
Thanks John. I used concatenate operator between Employees and SalesPerson tables. Which is not written in the book it seems.
Thanks. Solved it.