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Hi all,
I need to create a gauge chart wish should display have we been paying our suppliers on time. Expression in table works fine but need help to transfer it to work in a gauge chart.
If([payment date]-[clearing date]>=0,'Payment ok','Payment late')
Basically we should measure the overall "ok payments" to the total number of payments?
Help would be appreciated.
How about Count(If(Payment Date <= Clearing Date,1)/Count(# of records)
# of Records would need to be a uniqie key or ideally load 1 into a field called rec_Count and do
As i under stand it the gauge chart works for aggregation command so you need to put ant aggregate sytax to calculate this. Some thing like
=Count(If([payment date]-[clearing date]>=0,1,0)
or you need to create a expression for that.
Can someone write down an example? Sorry, kind of new to this thing.
How about Count(If(Payment Date <= Clearing Date,1)/Count(# of records)
# of Records would need to be a uniqie key or ideally load 1 into a field called rec_Count and do
/Sum(rec_Count)Holy s**t it worked! Thanks a lot.