How do i ignore Dimension Filter in charts?
Used Dimension
=Pick(WildMatch(Labels, '*CD*'), SelectMonthCreated)
Expressions 1
Count({<Labels={'*CD*'}, Key={"=CreatedMonth=Num(Month(Created))"}>} Labels)
Expressions 2
Count({<Labels={'*CD*'}, Key={"=ResolvedMonth=Num(Month(Resolved))"}>} Labels)
The result of expressions 1 is correct because of the dimensions =Pick(WildMatch(Labels, '*CD*'), SelectMonthCreated)
expressions 2 i want it to used dimensions with The result of expressions 1 is correct because of the dimensions =Pick(WildMatch(Labels, '*CD*'), SelectMonthResolved)
but if i add another dimensions, the chart is wrong how do i ignore the dimensions in expressions 2?