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Ignore a selection on a table


I'm asking if it is possible in QV to set a table to not consider one of the selection I'm doing...In other words, to be detached from only one Selection.

I have a lot of complex formula in my table and I wouldn't prefer to do it with set analysis.

Is there any other way?


5 Replies
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Yo mean a straight-table chart, right?

Why would you not want to do this with Set Analysis?  It is most likely the fastest way in the UI. Can you provide an example of an expression you want to exclude a field selection from?


Not applicable


     Set different  Alternate state for that table object from other objects . After that, selection won't work for that table.



Specialist II
Specialist II

Using set analysis it is much simple, just add like Year= , to ignore selections in Year Field..

an other way is to create a Alternate State in Document Properties , as  State1,

And then assign this state1 to your list box,in which you want to ignore selections,

you can assign state to any object in properties general tab,

Hope it helps...

Not applicable


Just as aside I am getting more & more into using Alternate States, as an alternative to Set Analysis.

Sometimes I think it is better & other times not.

Best Regards,     Bill

Specialist II
Specialist II

Bill :

Yes sure,

But Both have different use.

set analysis is for calculation, and Alternate state is for comparative analysis.

you have to use, set analysis within alternate state.

but the post above, its a trick to get it work, but set analysis is standard and recommended for.
