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Hello Qlik Developers
I have below expression in text box:
=num(sum(if(Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual<>0 and Reported_Out_actual.BillType='Awaiting Order Entry',Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual)),'###,###') the result should be 283+2 = 285 but here i am getting wrong result.
sum(if(Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual<>0 and Reported_Out_actual.BillType='Missing Ins.', Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual))
,'###,###') the result should be 203+4 = 207 this result is matching with the last 2 TBD types in the below table box.
I have a table box in which i have calculated dimension like =if(count_id=' ',Bill_Type_Details) and expression as
count(distinct Reported_Out_case_id) and the result is below:
TBD Type | Total Cases |
Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI) | 283 |
Waiting for Billing Entry | 2 |
Insurance Info Not Availaible or Invalid | 203 |
Waiting for Insurance Code | 4 |
Total | 492 |
I tried the below expression but i am not getting the correct values;\
=count(DISTINCT if(Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual<>0,count_id='' and Bill_Type_Details='Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI)'and Bill_Type_Details='Waiting for Billing Entry',Reported_Out_case_id))
Can someone help me please in getting the correct result.
I Got the result by writing the below expression;
=count(distinct(if(match(Bill_Type_Details,'Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI)','Waiting for Billing Entry'),Reported_Out_case_id)))
I think the problem is hiding here:
In your IF() function, after the first condition is validated and after the comma, count_id looks like the true_value. but then you continue the condition with AND...
DISTINCT if(Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual<>0, count_id='' and Bill_Type_Details='Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI)'and Bill_Type_Details='Waiting for Billing Entry',Reported_Out_case_id))
Did you mean that as another condition, like this:
=count(DISTINCT if(Reported_Out_actual.count_idTBD_actual<>0 and count_id='' and Bill_Type_Details='Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI)'and Bill_Type_Details='Waiting for Billing Entry',Reported_Out_case_id))
Oleg Troyansky
Learn advanced Qlik techniqes in my book QlikView Your Business.
Hi Oleg
Thanks for the reply. I have used your expression but its displaying zero.
I Got the result by writing the below expression;
=count(distinct(if(match(Bill_Type_Details,'Need Info To Be Eligible For Billing(MI)','Waiting for Billing Entry'),Reported_Out_case_id)))