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Inputfield cell formatting - wrapping text

Hi Qlik Community!

I have a dashboard which allows users to enter in notes on items in a tablebox via Inputfield column for each line item in the table. I noticed that when users are entering the comments into the inputfield, that the string would get cut off after the first X characters in the cell. The user would not be able to see the end of the comment they are typing while they type it. And if there was an error in the end of the comment, there was no real way of editing it within the program.

Inputfield - Comment Entry.png

When I click off the inputfield to save the comment, this is actually the full comment:

Inputfield - Saved Comment.png

Is there any way to change the inputfield to have the text wrap while the comments are being entered so that they could theoretically see the 2s while typing? this will be especially useful in cases when the users are entering long comments that might require edits.

Another issue that I am having is creating comments with line breaks. The inputfields change all line breaks into regular spaces which is an issue when the users are entering multi-line comments or breaking their comments out into short paragraphs. Is there something that can be done so users are able to enter a comment like

"Status: good to send

Amount: 20

State: NJ"

rather than being forced to enter

"Status: good to send Amount: 20 State: NJ"?

Any help on either of the issues noted above would be greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know and I'll get back to you ASAP.



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