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Dear All
We are in Pharma Industry and we have closing stock quantity for every products we have approximate
500 to 600 products in basket.
Now I want to calculate inventory value for the closing stock , Which method I should apply and how to
calculate exact stock value ?
Thanks in adv.
Hi Vikas,
Currently you are calculating ageing buckets in the script, to make it dynamically calculate ageing bucket as on selected date or current date,
you will have to create one variable and then use it in the expression instead of field (InvDaysSelection)
So the steps would be:
1) Modify loading script as below
// UPPER(PROD_CODE) AS [Product Code],
UPPER(PROD_BATCH) AS [Product Batch Code],
Fact_Type AS [Fact Type Code],
Fact_Type_Desc AS [Fact Type],
LocCode AS [Batch Location Code],
Loc_name AS [Batch Location],
Date(floor(MDATE),'DD/MM/YYYY') AS [Manufacturing Date],
Date(floor(EDATE),'DD/MM/YYYY') AS [Expiry Date],
Date(floor(EFFDATE),'DD/MM/YYYY') AS [Effective Date]
If(num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))>=1 and num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))<=30,'1-30',
if(num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))>=31 and num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))<=60,'31-60',
if(num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))>=61 and num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))<=90,'61-90',
if(num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))>=91 and num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))<=180,'91-180',
if(num(Date(floor(EDATE))-Date(today()))<1 ,'Expired',
if(IsNull(date(EDATE)) OR Date(EDATE)='','Date NA'))))))) AS InvDaysSelection
[Source QVDs SIM\DIM_ProductBatchMaster.qvd]
2) Create one variable and give name as (vDateForAgeing ) and assign below formulae to it.
=IF(ISNULL(GetFieldSelections(MonthName))=0 OR ISNULL(GetFieldSelections(FinancialYear))=0,DATE(MAX(PostingDate)),DATE(Today()))
3) Then use it in ageing bucket expression like below
If(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)>=1 and num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)<=30,'1-30',
if(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)>=31 and num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)<=60,'31-60',
if(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)>=61 and num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)<=90,'61-90',
if(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)>=91 and num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)<=180,'91-180',
if(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)>=181,'181+',
if(num(Date(floor([Expiry Date]))-vDateForAgeing)<1 ,'Expired',
if(IsNull(date([Expiry Date])) OR Date([Expiry Date])='','Date NA')))))))
Please find attached a QVW file with an example for this query.
In the attached QVW :
if you have not selected any months or years in the list box, then ageing bucket will be calculated as on current date see below:
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