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Here is my expression to get data for past 5 weeks , i don't want to see current week's data , but with below i can see current weeks data , also i want this expression to be independent of all other selections, can some one please help me in getting correct expression.
Thank you!
CaseOpenDate = {'>$(=WeekStart(Max(Date),-5))<$(Date(WeekStart(Max(Date))))'}
Here is my complete expression :
=count({1<Indicator = {'Created'},CaseOpenDate = {'>$(=WeekStart(Max(Date),-5))<$(Date(WeekStart(Max(Date))))'},CaseType ={'TS'}>} DISTINCT(CaseNumber))
An equal sign seem to be missing
=Count({1<Indicator = {'Created'}, CaseOpenDate = {">$(=WeekStart(Max(Date),-5))<$(=Date(WeekStart(Max(Date))))"}, CaseType = {'TS'}>} DISTINCTCaseNumber)
An equal sign seem to be missing
=Count({1<Indicator = {'Created'}, CaseOpenDate = {">$(=WeekStart(Max(Date),-5))<$(=Date(WeekStart(Max(Date))))"}, CaseType = {'TS'}>} DISTINCTCaseNumber)