Hi all
I have a problem I need some help with.
I have a database with several entities. For all entities except 1 I would like to have all the information reagarding transactions. However how do I write the script to fetch information from all the entites, but for one entity with a limitiation of date.
Part of the script
FROM [$(Dir_Axapta)\CUSTINVOICETRANS.qvd] (qvd)
where not exists (ServiceCheck,Upper(text(ITEMID)))
and Upper(text(ITEMID))<>'1-2420' and Upper(text(ITEMID))<>'1'
This is the entity I would like to only fetch transactions from the date 20130101
--- and if (DATAAREAID='mip' and invoicedate >='2013-01-01'); ---
How do I include this information without setting a limitation on the other entites in the database?