Hello QV Community. I am a newbie posting here in the forum, but enjoying reading and learning from the colleagues. I have an issue in one of my dashboards, where I am plotting sales/shipments per day on a quarterly basis and also plotting historical averages for comparison. All my data is normalized to a Day in Quarter field, so that first day is always 1 and last day in Quarter 91 to 93, depending on month.. Averages are stored as Average for Product X on day Y for Quarter Z.
Plot runs fine for previous Quarters, but on current Quarter, I want to see the evolution per day, but the complete historical averages until last day in Q. But Historical are alCurrent viewso stopping in graph at current day.
Last QuarterPrevious Quarter state
Desired stateDesired state.. with actuals shown up to Today's date.. and average (and other historical shown until the last day in quarter.
I have several tables, but in that case I have a table for Sales with a key field made of (Day_in_Q|Quarter|Product) with Sales/shipping values in other fields and a benchmark table with the same Key fields, and Average1, average2 and average3.
My chart has:
- Dimension: Day_in_Q,
- Expressions:
- 3 x Averages (Avg ({<%BenchKey= , Benchmark.Day_in_Q = >}Benchmark.Units_Avg)
- Sales: Sum(Sales.Units)
I have filters for Product and Quarter... and %BenchKey is the hidden key field connecting the sales table to Benchmark table.
Can you folks help me get to my desired state ?