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I am pulling all fields from a table in Access, and I tried to add a Load command to the script to create an additional field.
The table has Code1, Code2, etc. thru Code6, and if any of these begins with an "M" I want a boolean field to be True.
When I run this script I get the fields from the table, but not the additional field Flagged. Can anyone tell me what I need to add? I could do it in the Access table first, but I'd like to learn how to do it here, since this field would be used for a chart.
Use 'True' as string like this.
For ex:
Load *,if(left(Code2,1)='M','True');
Select * from tablename;
Hope it helps
Put the load statement on top of the select statement.
change it so it will look as follows:
Load *, //that way you load all data from the SQL statement
if(.........) AS flagged;
Select *
from 'table' ;
It still doesn’t like it. It’s a syntax problem - it’s looking for True as a field, not as a value. Field not found - <True>
It still doesn’t like it. It’s a syntax problem - it’s looking for True as a field, not as a value. Field not found - True
It still doesn’t like it. It’s a syntax problem - it’s looking for True as a field, not as a value. Field not found - True
Use 'True' as string like this.
For ex:
Load *,if(left(Code2,1)='M','True');
Select * from tablename;
Hope it helps
You can use it with 'True' so it will be a string or either put 1 instead,
If (condition,1, else..)
Hilla Peled
ב-14 בדצמ 2012, בשעה 00:24, "Bill Ritzel" <qcwebmaster@qlik.com<mailto:qcwebmaster@qlik.com>> כתב/ה:
Re: Load command in script syntax
created by Bill Ritzel<http://community.qlik.com/people/billritz> in New to QlikView - View the full discussion<http://community.qlik.com/message/291492#291492>
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