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My load statement is as follows:
[Posting Date] as CalendarDate,
ApplyMap('PC_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [Profit Center Desc.],
ApplyMap('CC_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [Cost Center Desc.],
ApplyMap('IS_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [I/S Mapping],
ApplyMap('FS_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [F/S Mapping],
ApplyMap('AT_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [Account Type],
ApplyMap('FST_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [F/S Tab],
ApplyMap('GMGL_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped') as [GM G/L Category],
if([Billing Type]='ZRE',Quantity * -1,if([F/S Mapping]='Sales Discounts','0',Quantity)) as [Adjusted Qty]
//if([Billing Type]='ZRE',Quantity * -1,Quantity) as [Adjusted Qty]
Resident BSEG2
Drop Table BSEG2;
For some reason when this is run the second nested "if" does not recognize the field "[F/S Mapping]" and the load fails. I have used the commented portion before and it worked fine. The "[Billing Type]" is contained in the previous tables leading to this. Any thoughts on why this wouldn't work?
if([Billing Type]='ZRE',Quantity * -1,if(ApplyMap('FS_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped')='Sales Discounts','0',Quantity)) as [Adjusted Qty]
if([Billing Type]='ZRE',Quantity * -1,if(ApplyMap('FS_Mapping', MappingKey, 'Not Mapped')='Sales Discounts','0',Quantity)) as [Adjusted Qty]