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Looping through dates with specific intervals


I have a table of dates that looks like this:

Cust_No   Order_Date


1               01/01/2013

1               02/01/2013

1               05/01/2013

1               07/01/2013

1               09/01/2013

I want to loop through these dates so that only dates that are at least 3 months from the index date are loaded. In addition, once a date is found that is at least 3 months from the index date, I want that date to become the new index date. So the final table in the example above would look like below:

Cust_No   Order_Date


1               01/01/2013

1               05/01/2013

1               09/01/2013

In this case 01/01/2013 is the index date. 02/01/2013 is not at least 3 months after 01/01/2013, so it isn't loaded. 05/01/2013 is at least 3 months from 01/01/2013, so that is loaded and becomes the new index date. 07/01/2013 is not at least 3 months away from the new index date of 05/01/2013, so it is not loaded. 09/01/2013 is, so it is loaded.

I know that Peek() can be used to loop, but I don't know how to loop in such a way that the index date can be continuously reset. I would honestly be find with a flag that can identify the appropriate dates (which I can filter later), but I don't know how to create a loop that does this. Is this possible?

10 Replies
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I didn't need the flag, ultimately, but thanks for showing me how to include it!