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Macro - select from two fields using 'Or'!


I have a field called Portfolio.  Associated with each Portfolio is a list of characteristics that need to be automatically filtered on when that Portfolio is selected to give me a list of Projects that meet those criteria.

So for instance - Portfolio A has the following fields: Division=Soup, Status = Hot

Portfolio B has the following fields: Business=Nuts, Project = SomeProjectName

Portfolio C has the following fields: Division=Soup, Business=Nuts

When the user selects Portfolio A, the macro that I have created and associated with the Portfolio field event trigger in the Document Properties successfully gets all Projects with a Division of Soup AND a Status of Hot.  LIkewise for Portfolio B.

My problem comes with Portfolio C because Division and Business need to be selected using 'OR' logic - show me all projects where Division = Soup OR Business = Nuts.

This is what a portion of my macro looks like for setting one of the filters:


' Set Tech Platform

  set val=ActiveDocument.Fields("Tech Platform List").GetPossibleValues

  set val1=ActiveDocument.Fields("Tech Platform")

  set fv=val1.GetNoValues

  for i = 0 to val.Count-1


  fv(i).Text = val.Item(i).Text

  fv(i).IsNumeric = false


  val1.SelectValues fv


This works like a champ! 

So how do I alter this to 'OR' another value in there??

Any help appreciated!!

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