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In the column "Share Product 1", I calculate the share of sales of product 1 from sales total for each filial:
Sum ({<Product = {'Product 1'}>}Amount)/Sum (Amount)
I need to calculate the maximum share of product 1 among all the filials and the deviation from this share.
Help me please.
Hi Evgen,
Max( Total aggr(Sum ({<Product = {'Product 1'}>}Amount)/Sum (Amount), Filial))
Hi Evgen,
Max( Total aggr(Sum ({<Product = {'Product 1'}>}Amount)/Sum (Amount), Filial))
For max share
=max(TOTAL aggr(Sum ({<Product = {'Product 1'}>} Amount)/Sum (Amount), Filial))
=[Share Product 1]-[Max Share]
More for the sake of demonstrating Qlik's flexibility in how to calculate various things I present these two alternative expressions that don't use Aggr() to calculate Max Share:
Sum (TOTAL {<Product={'Product 1'},Filial={"=Rank(Sum({<Product={'Product 1'}>} Amount)/Sum(Amount))=1"}>} Amount) / Sum(TOTAL {<Filial={"=Rank(Sum({<Product={'Product 1'}>} Amount)/Sum(Amount))=1"}>} Amount)
RangeMax(Top( [Share Product 1],1,NoOfRows()))
Will both calculate the same as:
Max(TOTAL Aggr(Sum ({<Product = {'Product 1'}>} Amount)/Sum (Amount), Filial))