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Merging two documents

Hi Community,

I have a ProjA.qvw in which the source is DB. Using ProjA.qvw as binary load i created ProjB.qvw and ProjC.qvw.

ProjB.qvw has the historic data. ProjC.qvw has current data. Now the historic data is dropped in database and there is no source to get it back.  But the qlikview does has the historic data and its not possible to reload the data again.

So how can achieve this, I need to add the historic data to the current data.


7 Replies

You can export the historic data to QVD files either in the script (with a binary load first) using the STORE command, or you can export the data from a chart to a QVD in the front-end.

Then once you have the QVDs (and have saved a copy of them to be sure!) you can load and concatenate your live data.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Can you do a binary load of the historic data and then append new in the

load script?

Alternatively, you could do a busy load and then a store from all the

tables to QVDs. These can then be used more flexibly.

Hope that helps.


Not applicable

Thank you Colin albert. I Did the same as you told.

For some reason, Its generating duplicate values.

Not applicable

Thank you so much for reply.

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Hi Walter,

Check this link and create QVDs for Current and Historic data from the Qlikview files and then load this and concatenate into a new qlikview file.

Storing all tables in Qlikview file to QVD




Have you loaded the same data twice? One using a binary load and again from QVDs?

If you have added the historic data to QVDs, then your app just needs to load from the QVDs and not use a binary load.

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

You may find if you are merging old and new data, and there is a risk of duplication, that you want to look at WHERE NOT EXISTS.  This is covered in this post on incremental load strategy:
