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Hi ,
We are working on 1 scenerio where after loading the initial data , we need to load more than 100 file but each and every file should load in incremental load manner.
FIle names are like AP_Guest_20161201 to AP_Guest_20170323 ......
QVD name AP_Guest.QVD.
please suggest the programming so that we can achieve the same.
for i = 20161201 to 20170323
vFileName = 'AP_Guest_' & $(i);
Your load script
Load from file 'xxxxx\$(vFileName)';
Next i;
but how i can manage incremental load scenario for each and every file.
for each file in filelist('mydirectory\AP_Guest_*')
LET vFileDate = subfield('$(file)', -1);
if $(vFileDate) >=20161201 and $(vFileDate) <=20170323 then
Load * from $(file);
next file
we are looping thru each of the file!
1st) Load Initial table
Load * From 20161201
for i = 20161202 to 20170323
vFileName = 'AP_Guest_' & $(i);
Load *
from file 'xxxxx\$(vFileName)'
Where not exists(YOURKEYFIELD);
Next i;
I think it should be like that:
first we need to load file
than Concatenate
Qvd file with where not exist(key filed);
can you suggest me this code in some brief.....
HI Vineeth,
I have already loaded qvd file and now i just want incremental scenerio ...insert and update ...
but while running below script only insert scenerio is working not update.
please suggest how to make the scenario like :
every day file should load with qvd with insert and update and scenerio and so on
like 1st file should be Basic_20170315 in qvd than Basic_20170316 with insert and update scenerio and need to update the data as desired.
scrip code given below:
for i = 20170315 to 20170317
vFileName = 'Basic_' & $(i);
(ooxml, embedded labels, table is Sheet1);
where not Exists(id);
Store Basic into $(vPath)Basic.qvd(qvd);
next i;