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, if(isNULL([Sales Territory ID & Desc]),
if(right(SLS_ORG_KEY,3)='LOG','Company:' & left(SLS_ORG_KEY,2) & '; Department:' & trim(purgechar(mid(SLS_ORG_KEY,3),'LOG')) & '; Finance and Complaint Data',SLS_ORG_KEY),
[Sales Territory ID & Desc]) AS 'Sales Territory ID & Desc'
RESIDENT Sales_Org_Tab;
in this one I want 079 but am getting 79 only ,other should be coming properly ,this 79 only not coming properly
Ex :
sales territory id & desc = 009 SEMPRINI ROBERTO
sales org_key = N1067009
in this table
SLS_ORG_KEY = N104s079
Sales Territory ID & Desc = 79 - wrong result
Sales Territory ID & Desc = 079 - correct result , remaining all are getting ,but this only getting error
What do u want to understand?
The expression you put has bunch of string functions to identify certain pattern and based on which a new field is created. The original table where you have the source field ("SLS_ORG_KEY") is in Sales_Org_Tab table.
I hope you are already familiar with Right, Left and mid functions. Please let us know what exact info you would like to gather from the expression.
This is what it says in pseudo code:
IF [Sales Territory ID & Desc] = NULL THEN
LET [Sales Territory ID & Desc] = concatenation of various texts and values
LET [Sales Territory ID & Desc] = SLS_ORG_KEY
Apparently, your example already had a value in [Sales Territory ID & Desc] because its value is neither the concatenation of various texts and values nor the value of SLS_ORG_KEY.
Are you sure Sales Territories 079 and 430 do have a description?
Because to me it seems like their description is blank/NULL, and in your objects QlikView decides that 079 looks exactly like a number, omits the leading zero and right-aligns the result. It isn't wrong, it's just not treated as TEXT.
In your LOAD script, you could use the TEXT() function to force QlikView to always treat your [Sales Territory ID & Desc] field as text. That may fix the alignment and disappearing leading zero.
Good luck,