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Not applicable

Need to count values from two separate fields

I have two fields called Fax Type In and Fax Type Out.  Here are my IF statements which load the appropriate data.

Load *,

If([Originator_Group] = 'TCMFPQ4', 'MFP',

   If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Originator_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR 

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Originator_Group) < 1, 'External', 'Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type In]


Load *,

If([Recipient_Group] = 'MFPTEMPL', 'MFP',

   If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Recipient_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR 

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Recipient_Group) < 1, 'External','Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type Out]

Now, I want to be able to construct a Pie Chart which totals the values from Originator Group and Recipient Group for






17 Replies
Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

I do not understand, can you explain better? You need the Originator Group and Recipient Group values  in One Pie chart?

Not applicable

I want a Pie Chart which calculates the totals for each Recipient Group and Originator group value..

So i want

Fax Type IN MFP + Fax Type Out MFP

Fax Type In Efax + Fax Type Out Efax

etc.. etc..

I can make pie charts for each fax type.. but i want One Pie chart which calculates both..

Champion III
Champion III

Are you using Count() aggr function here? Can you share a sample file to look into?

How are the two tables joined? You can do a left join to second table on Fax Type Out field like



           [Fax Type Out]  AS [Fax Type IN]

Resident Table2Name;

Not applicable

=count([Fax Type Out]) is the simple expression i use to get the totals for (MFP, Efax, FI,etc..)

Everything is in one table.. 

Champion III
Champion III

Do a left join like this and see.

Load *,

If([Originator_Group] = 'TCMFPQ4', 'MFP',

   If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Originator_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Originator_Group) < 1, 'External', 'Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type In]


LEFT JOIN (Tablenamefromtop)

Load *,

If([Recipient_Group] = 'MFPTEMPL', 'MFP',

   If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Recipient_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Recipient_Group) < 1, 'External','Other'

            ))))) as [Fax Type In]

Not applicable

This is a SQL Query..  I used the Table Name that populated for my data but it did not recognize the Table Name..


Champion III
Champion III

can you share your actual script you were running to have a quick look?

Not applicable

//Report Certification

if WildMatch(ComputerName(),'TAG*') then

  Trace The dashboard is being reloaded via the desktop;

  vCommonPath = 'xxxxxx'

OLEDB CONNECT32 TO [Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=TCReport;Data Source=wfaxrpt01p;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto Translate=True;Packet Size=4096;Workstation ID=TAGxxxx;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False] (XPassword is xxxxx);


  Trace The dashboard is being reloaded on the server;

  vCommonPath = 'E:\QlikStorage\CommonFiles'


// Below we are including the files to be used for Application Certification

$(Must_Include=$(vCommonPath)\FE Standard Include.txt);

$(Must_Include=$(vCommonPath)\FESCertifiedApplicationList\Include Files\IsCertified.qvs);


/*-----------------------------------Required Script------------------------------------------------------*/

SET ThousandSep=',';

SET DecimalSep='.';

SET MoneyThousandSep=',';

SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';

SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';

SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';

SET DateFormat='YYYY-MM-DD';

SET TimestampFormat='YYYY-MM-DD h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';

SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';

SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';

//criteria for Efax: begins with “MXBPOS”

//criteria for SAP fax: begins with “SC”

//criteria for FI fax: Equals "ExpRpt", begins with “TCL”, begins with “NPO”, begins with “SES”, begins with “PC”, begins with “TCS”

Load *,

If([Originator_Group] = 'TCMFPQ4', 'MFP',

   If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Originator_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR 

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Originator_Group) < 1, 'External', 'Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type Inbound]


Load *,

If([Recipient_Group] = 'MFPTEMPL', 'MFP',

   If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Recipient_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR 

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Recipient_Group) < 1, 'External','Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type Outbound ]


Load*, if(SenderFaxLineStatus = 'External','External Sender','Internal Sender') as [Sender Status],

          if(ReceiverFaxLineStatus = 'External', 'External Recipient', 'Internal Recipient') as [Receiver Status];

Load*, if(SenderFaxLineStatus = 'External','External Sender',

              if(ReceiverFaxLineStatus = 'External', 'External Recipient')) as [External Faxes],

       if(SenderFaxLineStatus = 'Internal','Internal Sender',

              if(ReceiverFaxLineStatus = 'Internal', 'Internal Recipient')) as [Internal Faxes];


Load*, if(len(trim(MsgClass_Originator))=0,  'Internal', 'External') as SenderFaxLineStatus

     , if(len(trim(MsgClass_Recipient))=0,  'Internal', 'External') as ReceiverFaxLineStatus

LOAD *, num(month(TimeSent)) & '/' & day(TimeSent) & '/' & year(TimeSent) as Date, /* Formatting TimeSent to Month, Day, and Year*/

        Time(TimeSent,'h:mm:ss TT') as Time,

        Time(TimeSent,'h TT') as HourTT,

        TimeStamp(TimeStamp#(Left(TimeStamp(TimeSent, 'MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss'), 13), 'MM/DD/YYYY hh'), 'MM/DD/YYYY hh TT') as [Date|Hour],

        time(MakeTime(hour(Time(frac(TimeSent))),0,0),'h TT') as GroupedHour       


Load *,

        month(TimeSent) as Month, /* creating Month Field */

        day(TimeSent) as Day,        /* creating Day Field */

        year(TimeSent) as Year,        /* creating Year Field */

        Hour(TimeSent) as Hour


SQL SELECT TOP 100000            /*Begin SQL*/   

    "ID_Action"         /* Unique fax ID*/

    ,"Time_Created" as "TimeArrive"     /*Time fax hit kofax*/

    ,"Time_Action" as "TimeSent"      /*Time kofax sent out fax */

    ,"Message_Class"    /* IF message class is blank (SAP, FI, or MFPGUEST?) recipient */

    ,"Duration"              /*duration of sending fax in seconds*/

    ,"Originator"          /* IF originator is F, then this is an external fax sender, that came in on a fax line */

    ,"Originator_Info"  /*details of sender (name, phone number, FI/SAP link, etc.)*/

    ,"Originator_Group" /*Groups associated with User Profiles in Kofax */

    ,"Recipient"        /*IF recipient is F, then fax was sent to an externally dialed number on a fax line */

    ,"Recipient_Info"   /*details of fax recipient (name, phone number, FI/SAP link, etc.)*/

    ,"Recipient_Group"  /*Groups associated with User Profiles in Kofax */

    ,"Size"                   /*File size of fax*/

    ,"Pages"              /*Number of pages of fax*/

    ,"TXT_STATE"        /*Status of fax (Success or Fail)*/

    ,"Delay"            /*Delay time of fax (seconds)*/

    ,"MsgClass_Originator"  /*IF value is "FAX", appears that sender used an external line*/

    ,"MsgClass_Recipient"   /*IF value is "FAX", appears that a fax line was used to receive fax into Kofax */

    ,"TS_CHANNEL"        /*Fax line number used for fax, I believe "ZZ" indicates no fax line was used and kept internal*/

    ,"TS_REC_CHANNEL"     /*Fax line number used to receive incoming fax to Kofax*/

    ,"Channel_Group_X"     /* If value is "F" a fax line was used for either receiving or sending a fax */

    ,"Channel_X"           /*  The fax line channel used by Kofax for either receiving or sending a fax */

    ,"ChG_in"               /*If value is "F" then a fax line was used to receive incoming fax to Kofax*/

    ,"ChG_out"          /*If value is "F" then a fax line was used to send fax out from Kofax */

    ,"Subject"             /*Subject of Fax*/


      FROM TCReport.dbo."Action_Table_Descr" /*Original Table */

      WHERE "Recipient_Group" != 'IPPRINT' /*Filtering out fax delivery/non delivery notifications*/

      ORDER BY "TimeArrive" DESC /*Filter by most recent records*/

      ; /*End SQL*/

/*-----------------------------------End Required Script------------------------------------------------------*/

Champion III
Champion III

Can you try this?

Load *,

If([Originator_Group] = 'TCMFPQ4' OR [Recipient_Group] = 'MFPTEMPL', 'MFP',

   If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*' OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Originator_Group] LIKE 'SC*'  OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Originator_Group] = 'ExpRpt'  OR [Recipient_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'PC*'  OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Originator_Group] LIKE 'TCS*' OR [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Originator_Group) < 1 OR len(Recipient_Group) < 1, 'External', 'Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type In-Out_bound]


Then your rest of your script.



Remove below from your original script.

Load *,

If([Recipient_Group] = 'MFPTEMPL', 'MFP',

   If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'MXBPOS*', 'Efax',

      If([Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SC*', 'SAP',

         If([Recipient_Group] = 'ExpRpt' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCL*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'NPO*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'SES*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'PC*' OR

            [Recipient_Group] LIKE 'TCS*', 'FI',

            If(len(Recipient_Group) < 1, 'External','Other'

            )))))as [Fax Type Outbound ]
