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Not able to Load Data from FTP using Wild Card Character *

Hi All,

I am facing issue when I am trying to load data from FTP with wildcard character(*). But it works fine when loading data from FTP  by not using Wild card character  means one file one by one file manually from the FTP.

Here is the scenario: Every month 10th new source file will be placed in FTP directory and Qlikview has to load the file via FTP connection and create the monthly QVD. If there are two months source file present it should create two QVD.

File name is like Project_BS_072016.txt, Project_bs_082016.txt   etc…. So thought of using Wildcard character (*) to load the file. But came to know that FTP does not support Wild card character.

Is there any other way through which I can load all the file from the FTP and store it in a monthly QVD like Project_BS_072016.QVD, Project_BS_082016.QVD etc….

Please help its urgent!!! Any help is appreciated!!!



2 Replies

There are some discussions on the similar topics, you can search for, like:

Re: How to create monthly QVD ?

How to store the data of a table into Monthly and MonthEnd QVD's?


You first need to retrieve a list of the files. Then you can iterate through that list. You can find an example here: Re: For Each File in Filelist - FTP load is not working?. That may or may not work for you. It depends on what you're ftp server allows and supports. Perhaps you should simply ftp the files to another place where Qlikview can access the files using an UNC path.

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