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Hello all,
Upon trying to load data from a server using the ODBC connector and store the data into a qvd file.
'ODBC CONNECT32 TO [Visual FoxPro Database'
i get the same error message at exactly the same amount of data 46,263
'ODBC read failed
SQL SELECT * FROM ticherca'
'Error: QVX_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_DATA: SQL##f - SqlState: 22003, ErrorCode: 0, ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver]Error: Column 38 ( reducere )'
Is there a permission issue somewhere? Or a driver issue?
Please share your thoughts.
Thank you,
There can be two main reasons:
1) the driver not updated (but you can exclude this reason if other similar queries run)
2) the query returns fields with the same name
let me know
Hey Alexandros,
I have 42 databases set up in a similar way and I am trying to get the information from all of them and afterwards concatenate the info into one bigger table.
I have only 1 server from which I can extract the data properly. When I try to connect to a different one, that is the error message that I get.
Try to define ODBC in a different way for each database, when you are in qlik, any time you use a table in a DB you have to change the ODBC connection. Probably you yet do this, otherwise let me know
That is what I am doing I set up connections separately and I am trying to get only one table from each server. I seem to get the error message at the same amount of data every time I try to connect to the same server.
Hi Bogdan,
so, maybe it's a problem in the data itself at this specific record? Have you tried to read the data with another tool?
- Ralf
Try to load just one field in the table that gives you errors.
Hey guys,
I managed to load the data using OLE DB and it works without any errors. I think I will be using this one. Even though QV crashes on my PC when using OLEDB, on the remote server I am loading the data it seems to be working.
Thanks everyone for your help.
Second one was my mistake nice job dude