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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Oracle AIX with Qlikview on Win2008R2 OLE/ODBC Driver Performance Issue


Just want to find out if anyone has come across this problem and could provide some guidance/suggestions...

We have a client with an Oracle on AIX, and we have a VM installed with Win2008SR2 and QV 11.2SR2.

We have also tried installing the following latest drivers to test from oracle website.

     a. Oracle 10g x32 ODAC

    • Success in ODBC Test
    • Fail in QV Connection Test
      • Connection Test Failed

                              SQL##f- SqlState: IM004, ErrorCode: 0, ErrorMsg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]
                              Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed

    • Fail in OLE DB Test
      • Unable to allocate memory in the user side

     b. Oracle 10g x64 Instant client

    • Success but slow performance (slow means more than 1 day to load 28,000 records)

      c. Oracle 11g x32 ODAC

    • Success but slow performance (slow means more than 1 day to load 28,000 records)

     d. Oracle 11g x64 ODAC

    • Success but slow performance (slow means more than 1 day to load 28,000 records)

We have another machine with Windows 2003 and we have installed QV on this, and connecting to Oracle with a 32bit driver, and the same extract took less than 3 seconds.

Would anyone have come across similar problem?

I'm guesing its something to do with the ODBC or OLEDB driver at this moment, but Im just guessing, as we have tried whatever we can get our hands on at the moment.. so we are pretty much stuck on how or what we should look at to investigate this problem.

Any advise would be a great.


3 Replies

Hi David,

this is really slow. It could be related to the VM, to the network (firewalls?) or to the database (table or view?) itself. How is the performance from another client?

To proof it is not related to OLEDB/ODBC setup you can try our JDBC connector:

If this setup it's also this slow I tend to say you should ask your Oracle and network admin.

- Ralf Head of R&D
Not applicable

did you manage to put the 32bits to work? or still with the SqlState: IM004 error?

i'm getting the same error on windows server 2012, and sql plus works fine, odbc tests fine, but inside qlikview it gives the SqlState: IM004 error

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

Hi Cesar,

Not sure exactly how, but we did a few round of uninstall and reinstall of the windows and reapply the driver in different sequence, including the Java runtime.

We think it was becoz in the Client machine build image, they were using some drivers setting from the windows 2003 days, which somehow clash with win2008, and caused the ODBC/OLE driver to behave badly.

But its now working ok, after many reinstall and test of driver install seq.

Sorry, not much help, as I don't and cannot understand/explain how we did it, but it was a problem with the driver package + java in some shape that caused the problem.
