Of a total of 257 suppliers totaling 44,711,497,497.29, I would like to calculate the Pareto excluding certain providers.
If you exclude the supplier "PE0151-PERUANA DE MOLDEADOS,S.A.". I would like to calculate the pareto over 256 suppliers and totaling 1,941,767,337.29.
When calculating the Pareto need to reflect this:
The text object:
"El 7,81% de los proveedores hacen el 80,50% del importe de compras (20 proveedores)",
("The 7.81% of providers do the 80,50% of the amount of purchases (20 suppliers)")
The simple table:
The "%Importe" and "% Acum" should show the 80% and not 100%.
I am attaching the document
Thanks a lot